Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Bin 2/18

Yay, it's Friday and my bin is here!!!  By far, my favorite day of the week.  I love how the ingredients in the bin are starting to change a bit now that spring is getting here and I find myself getting even more excited to see what's in my bin each week.  This week I've got a large variety to work with:

Red Beets
Romanesco (which I've never even heard of before, but is apparently a cross between a cauliflower and broccoli, so I can't wait to try it out!)
Yellow Onions
Bosc Pears
Cameo Apples
Minneola Tangelos
Russet Potatoes
Artichokes (yay!)
Brussel Sprouts (I love these!)
Red Leaf Lettuce
Red Peppers

It's going to be a fun week!  I am looking forward to finding out how the romanesco tastes and coming up with a creative way to use the beets this week. Also, is there really anything better than fresh brussel sprouts?  I find it sad that these get such a bad rap when we are young (often we are too traumatized that we never even try them again!), but let's face it the ones that we were usually forced to eat when we were little, really never tasted that good.  Cooking them when they are fresh, seems to give them a whole new flavor that has no resemblance to how we remember them.


  1. Beets also are good boiled (keep the stops/stems attached or else all the nutrients boil out of them). Have you ever had beets with feta or goat cheese? Really yummy. I commented about beets before (anonymously). Love em.

    I love brussel sprouts but I don't know how to cook them! Same with artichokes. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Hi Chanel, I actually love beets with feta cheese, up until I started cooking with them it was the only way I'd ever eaten them!

    Thanks for the comment and I'll be making a really tasty brussel sprouts dish to post, my favorite way to eat them!
