Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tofu and Green Bell Peppers with Salad

I had to figure out a way to use up the tofu left over from last nights dinner, so I chopped it up with some sliced green bell pepper and onion added some fajita seasoning and sauteed until cooked through. I also added some broccoli and cauliflower just until starting to soften.

To serve with this, I figured I should do another salad, since well, I have an abundance of salad greens. I made a sort of ranch dressing to go on the lettuce and spinach mixture tonight, using mayonnaise, sour cream, chopped fresh parsley, salt, pepper, garlic powder and finely chopped onion.  I also added a bit of fresh squeezed orange juice to this to give it a little extra flavor.

To go on top of the salad, I thinly sliced some radishes,apples and tangerines. I also added more of the fresh mozzarrella, because it's just so good!

Even though it sounds like an interesting mix of flavors, they all worked really well together! The hot with the cold, the crunchy with the soft and even the creamy with the spice!  Dylan especially liked it, in fact, I don't think that I've ever seen her eat a salad so quickly before!!

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