Friday, April 29, 2011

Steak, Black Beans and Veggies with Mixed Whole Grains

I guess this week has been kind of busier than I expected, so I haven't been able to cook as much as I would have liked, but tonight I was able to come up with a tasty and creative way to use up some of my veggies.  I was also able to use up the rest of my flank steak from the other night, which I am quite happy about.

I started by putting chopped carrot and celery into a large saute pan with some olive oil, a bit of white balsamic vinegar, a splash of Worcestershire, about a tablespoon of rice vinegar, chopped green garlic scapes, red pepper, salt and black pepper and sauteed until the carrots began to soften. To this mixture I added chopped zucchini, chopped flank steak and a can of drained black beans (I used Carribean style because I like the way that they taste). I also added a few tablespoons of beef stock just to give it an added flavor boost (because apparently I didn't have enough going on already!), but this also helped produce a thick sauce.

Meanwhile I cooked about half a bag of Mixed Whole Grains (barley, quinoa, lentils, etc.) that we had from Trader Joe's. I just followed the directions on the package for this.  When the vegetables were soft and the beans cooked through, I added them to a bowl with the whole grains and served. There was so much flavor (and color) going on that I chose not to use any sort of garnish tonight.

For not having any idea what I was going to make using these vegetables when I started, I'd say this turned out pretty darn good! I also don't know if you know this or not, but I'm terrible at naming my dishes so I have no idea what you would call this, it's just a mix of food from the fridge, cooked together and served. I sometimes think that the meals you make that start off by just throwing some ingredients into a pan usually come together the best. Plus, I have used up so many of my veggies this week that I am really looking forward to my bin and filling up my fridge with new tasty ingredients.

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