Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Couscous with Mixed Greens and Snap Peas

This meal was inspired by a box of lemon spinach couscous that I found in my pantry. It sounded fairly tasty and when I read that it would only take 5 minutes to make, I was sold.

To serve with the couscous I figured I should try to get some of these greens used, so I added chopped onion, garlic scapes, chard stems and olive oil to a pan over medium heat. When the onions were translucent I added chopped spinach, kale and chard along with about a 1/4 cup of chardonnay and allowed to simmer until the greens were fully wilted.

Being in the somewhat lazy mood that I was, I simply heated the snap peas and mixed them with butter and garlic salt.

Now normally I am not a fan of anything coming from a box but this couscous wasn't overly salty like I expected it to be and there was so much flavor going on in the meal that you would never know it took me less than 5 minutes to prep and only about 10 minutes to cook!

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