Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lamb Sausage with Pilaf and Potatoes

Now that I'm starting to redeem myself in the meat cooking department, I decided that it was time to once again give these lamb sausages a try. They are after all the reason I got the bad rap in the first place. So, I filled a skillet about halfway with water, placed the lamb, sage and garlic sausages in the water, let them simmer for a few minutes on each side and put the lid on. I continued to cook them until all of the water was gone and they were fully cooked through (from experience, I know that they are in fact supposed to have a pink color in the middle so I did my best not to overcook them this time). Then I browned them on each side and allowed them to rest for a few minutes before slicing them.

For the potatoes, I diced some new potatoes, onions, turnips and chopped some garlic scapes and added this to a large frying pan with olive oil and butter. I allowed this to cook until the potatoes started to soften and sprinkled with a little Mediterranean sea salt blend (lavender, lemon zest, sea salt, etc.), red pepper, paprika and fresh ground black pepper.  Once the potatoes started to brown and were fully cooked through, I added about a cup of chopped spinach and some fresh thyme. This continued to cook just until the spinach was wilted.

As for the pilaf, I found a great Harvest Pilaf blend at Whole Foods Market when I picked up the sausages. It has a mixture of wild rice, orzo, red and green lentils. The directions said to add one cup of the pilaf to 2 1/4 cups of boiling water and allow to simmer for 45 minutes. I followed the directions exact and yet somehow I still managed to run out of water and over cook it by about 10 minutes so it ended up a bit dry.

The final verdict...the sausage turned out great! Just like it was supposed to! Yay!!! The potatoes didn't turn out so bad either and even though the pilaf was dry, it still had a really good flavor to it. So maybe now that I have this down I can move onto mastering other meats!

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